How long is your hair?: Somewhere in between 47 and 48 inches approx. (120 cm). I’m yet to measure it properly on my hair wash day.
How long did it take for you to grow this length?: My last proper hair cut was back in 2012. I ruined my hair by getting layers (Trust me. The hairstylist didn’t do an impressive job) where the first layer ended near my chin. After this haircut, I don’t remember having a big chop. So it took me around 7 years to grow my hair to thigh-knee length! (The tapered shape at the end is due to the previous layer cut I had!) I had to be really patient and I made sure to never cut my hair except for S&D method for split end trims.
Do you maintain a diet for your hair?: I am usually good with my diet. I make sure to consume a lot of protein and vegetables so I never needed to concentrate on my diet separately for my hair. Nevertheless, I include eggs, chickpeas, chicken, soy meat and other legumes to keep my protein balance. This is how I usually eat – proteins first, carbs next and fats, towards the end of the meal. Recently, I went gluten-free and I also stopped eating white sugar and fried foods and I already see a good improvement in my hair growth. My shed rate has also reduced. I know it’s a tough diet style for many but trust me, not just my hair, I feel overall better now. I’ll do a separate post on my eating habits soon.
Your oiling routine?: I’m on a simple hair care routine at present. I oil my hair twice to thrice a week (with MABH handmade hair oil that I make and sell!) before I wash it. I mostly let the oil to work on my hair for at least an hour to 3 hours (rarely, overnight). However, I don’t oil my hair after the hair wash. I plan to make a serum and try using it (especially on the ends of my hair) the formula is in progress. As of now, I oil my hair before EVERY hair wash and I NEVER shampoo dry hair. If at all I happen to wash my hair without oiling it, I really regret it later. Cleansing dry hair is a very bad idea! It will ruin the shine and luster of your hair.
Why don’t you trim your hair a bit?: I’ve been giving a thought about it. My ends are wispy and I sometimes fancy neat, blunt ends but again, I also am strangely attached to my fairytale ends. I am not sure if I’ll get a trim soon but if it’s the case of split ends, I really am looking forward to get one soon!
Do you have plans to donate your hair?: For now, I don’t think so. I’m sorry. I receive requests on email and Instagram but I actually don’t plan to donate my hair as of now.
Do you get awkward stares?: All the time. I’m not anxious about it anymore! I feel more comfortable when I wear my hair into a bun. These days, a hair bun wrapped with a headband at my hair line is my go-to style! Braids work fine too.
How do you see short hair?: I envy it, all the time! I always wanted an inverted bun – it’s just so classy. It’s my attachment to my hair that doesn’t let me cut it off. Who knows, maybe in the future. For now, I love my hair the way it is. I may get bangs though.
Is your product back in stock?: Yes! It is. A fresh batch is getting prepared and you can start placing your orders already. Dispatch will begin from coming week. (For people who do not know, I use my handmade formula for my hair and you can buy it from www.mabh.in)

If you’ve got any topics on which you’d like me to blog, do drop them below on the comment section! Thank you.
Beautiful hair!!!! Inspiring routine😄
Your hair is so long and looks frizz-free! 😃 I have a question:- Do you get headaches from tying such long hair in a bun? I remember getting headaches. 😕 Just wanna know if this is a common problem.