Hey, guys! It has been quite a while since I did a blog post. I’ve been going through so much lately and my health wasn’t co-operating at the same time. (Hospitalized and all that!) So it took me nearly 3 months of procrastinating (or healing?) to get back to work! And that’s not good, I know! Sorry.
I hear you! Too many excuses since last year but I’m trying my best to go back to my full-time blogging days! Since the combination the illness, the hospital stay and the heavy dose of antibiotics made me more insane, I’m taking things a bit slow. Before I get in touch with the interns/writers and start working on the content, let me tell you what’s in the store for you!

I miss my hospital days!
Shopping Guides: After I made this post covering a part of T.Nagar, I’ve been receiving many requests to do similar guides on shopping! So yes, I guess I’d be featuring more places inside Chennai. Now that the weather is better, I think you can expect me to travel and shop more! (I’m still searching for a travel/shopping companion) If you want me to shop at a particular place and write about it, do leave your suggestions below. (I’m totally into cold shoulder tops and jumpsuits these days! But my mom hates all my nice cold-shoulder tops! She calls them torn! Duh)
DIY Tutorials: Okay! I don’t want to bore you with content that feels like you’d read it somewhere else before! If I come up with an interesting idea/recipe which also sounds unique, I’ll share a tutorial for you here! Same goes with the topics our writers choose. Quality over quantity, anytime!
Product Reviews: I’m going to shop for skin care products (especially, exfoliants) to get my skin back to normal. I literally tortured my skin driving in dust-filled roads all these days and hence, it deserves to be pampered now! Within a week, you can expect me to do a quick haul post (Health and Glow?) after which I’ll share the individual reviews with you.
Outfits/Accessories: Not sure of this yet but I so want to do outfit posts on the blog! As of now, I’m bored with how my hair looks and that makes me feel not-so-confident in photos. I’m trying to get long side swept bangs to give myself a makeover. But honestly, I’m in two minds about it. (Losing so much of hair at a time is scary!) If I manage to tweak my hairstyle soon, you can expect me to do look of the day kind of posts. Oh yes, I also need to search for a photographer!
Much more to come! I’ll start off with a few reviews first after which I’m planning to organize a contest, write a post on the Just Like That series and then do something new. Let us bring back life to the blog! I really thank you for being a reader even though I failed to do justice to my posting schedule. I hope I’ll rectify the mistake this time! Meet you all soon on another post!
Much love,
Lancy Cv ♥
Hi Lancy… Welcome back… Can’t wait to start reading your posts again.. and yes. Amateur Photographer/ shopping companion at your service whenever time permits..
Welcome back Lancy :)
I was wondering where you had vanished.
Welcome back Lancy! Glad to see your post again! I wish to see you as a top blogger in India. When I was looking at daily posts of top bloggers I was wondering why there were no posts in MABH! Please do a shopping haul in Sowcarpet.
Welcome back Lancy!!! I hope you are all well now. It was kinda lonely to not being able to read any new content.
Hi, Lancy! :D How are you now? Take care of your health!
Welcome back… LANCY! Hope you are doing well now.. Take care of your health and keep posting like u do! Don’t worry everything is back to Normal now! Lets rock again! <3
Thnk God tht you re bck. But its been such a long adsense. Excited to read your new posts nd even my mom thinks cold shoulder tops look torn….
so happy to see you back lancy!
Welcome back Lancy. So eager to read your new posts. Hope you have recovered fully. Take care of your health too…
So good to see you. Looking forward to your posts and one long request is still pending :)
Glad that you’re back to the blogging scene. Get well soon :)
I am really glad that you are back lancy.Get well soon:-)
Welcome back Lancy