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L’Oreal Paris Skin Perfect 30+ Anti Fine Lines Whitening Cream : Review, Photos

Hey people!

Hope you read my first impressions on the L’Oreal Paris Skin Perfect Range. I’d also reviewed the L’Oreal Paris Skin Perfect 20+ moisturizer! Today, I’m sharing my aunt’s review on another variant which is meant for women in their thirties. She has been using the product for more than two months now and read on to know her experience!

Price : Rs.425 for 50 g

loreal paris 30+ moisturizerRead More »L’Oreal Paris Skin Perfect 30+ Anti Fine Lines Whitening Cream : Review, Photos

My Six Months Hair Growth Challenge Update, Routine & Before and After Photos

six months hair growth update

Hey everybody!

I’m very excited today to share my 6th month hair growth update after starting the MABH blogger hair growth challenge! I know I’ve been very irregular with the updates. My last hair update was on November last year and since then, I sadly couldn’t make another post on my hair growth.

My hearty thanks to the other bloggers who shared their interesting journeys and kept the challenge alive! Read more about them HERE. I’m doing another post on their growth updates (with links to their blogs) very soon.

Note : The ends are thinner because I didn’t shape them straight for the last 2 and half years. My previous hair cuts (step, layer etc) are making my growth in such shape; but I don’t mind it as I’m concentrating on the length! As long as they are healthy and split-end free, I won’t be shaping them anytime soon!

My Current Hair Length! 

my 6 months hair growth challenge update

(Almost thigh length or thigh length?!)

six months hair growth updateRead More »My Six Months Hair Growth Challenge Update, Routine & Before and After Photos

Nivea ‘Oil in Lotion’ Cocoa Nourish Body Lotion for Very Dry Skin : Review and Photos

nivea cocoa nourish body lotion review

Hi everyone!

Hope you all are doing well. Today I am going to review a new age body lotion from Nivea – Nivea Oil in Lotion Cocoa Nourish. My skin is on a little bit of drier side. Moreover my job requires me to spend more than 8 hours in AC every day. It’s been a year almost since I joined my office and it is during the past six months when I first started to notice that the centralized AC environment has taken its toll on my skin.

My skin was looking totally lifeless and dull. I desperately started looking for a body moisturizer to rescue me in this situation. And then suddenly I saw that Anushka Sharma ad of this product on TV and the concept of ‘oil in lotion’ really attracted me. Over the years I have used a lot of body oils and lotions on my skin, but the effects were very short-lived. So when I saw this new body lotion from Nivea, I wanted to give it a try, primarily to know what actually is this ‘oil in lotion’ thing and with a hope that it will work for me. So let’s see how this worked for me.

Price: Rs. 330 for 400 ml; Rs. 250 for 250 ml; Rs. 120 for 75 ml

nivea cocoa nourish body lotion reviewRead More »Nivea ‘Oil in Lotion’ Cocoa Nourish Body Lotion for Very Dry Skin : Review and Photos

Hibiscus Hair Pack to Combat Dry Hair and Dandruff : Before and After Photos

hibiscus hair pack for dry hair and dandruff

Hello girls!

Here I am back with another DIY post (after the marigold face pack recipe I shared for dry skin and acne!) and this one is a homemade hair pack to combat dry hair and dandruff. This recipe literally saved my life. I always used to have problem free hair, except occasionally suffering from dandruff. But it was never too serious and a few washes with anti dandruff shampoo were enough to get rid of that. During last year, all of a sudden, my dandruff problem increased like never before.

Anti dandruff shampoos, few home remedies, but nothing had worked. And I had to go and see a doctor. My doctor prescribed me an anti dandruff solution and a medicated shampoo. Once I started using them, my dandruff started to reduce slowly. But this medication left me with very, very dry hair and I had to stop it in midway. My hair always used to be soft and silky. This dryness was so bad that no oil, shampoo or conditioner worked for me. I just had to find a way to get my soft hair back. At that time, a cousin of mine advised me to apply hibiscus and fenugreek on my hair and also suggested me a hair pack containing these two ingredients. And that pack worked wonders for me. So today, I am going to share the hair pack with you all!

hibiscus hair pack for dry hair and dandruff

Read More »Hibiscus Hair Pack to Combat Dry Hair and Dandruff : Before and After Photos

MABH Reader Queries : Vol.2

mabhreader query vol 2

Hey people!

Thank you for your lovely comments on the first volume of reader queries! Today, I am resolving few other queries that I received recently.

Note : I have a kind request to the readers. Please send your queries with a subject ‘Reader Query’ as it is going to be feasible for me to share them. If not, your query may get lost among the other emails in my inbox. Do also send it in a clear format explaining your skin/hair concerns, questions etc. Do NOT send them in a ‘SMS’ format. And please check the spelling/punctuation errors before sending them.

mabhreader query vol 2Read More »MABH Reader Queries : Vol.2