My Hair Hasn’t Grown Longer in 5 Months : Reader Query + Solution
Hi Lancy,
Today I am writing to you regarding my hair.
I have read your hair journey on your blog and feel very fascinated by it.
I am 15 years old and according to my mum, I have had very fast hair growth ever since I was born; she would get my head shaved and the next day my scalp would start to go black with hair. (She had very long hair like yours too) My mom was in charge of my hair until a few years back. She’d oil my hair, trim my hair, wash my hair etc. and it was in good form.
But ever since I have started to do these things my self (except trimming, I can’t bear to have scissors near my hair myself) and responsibilities have increased, my hair growth and health has decreased a lot. It got way to many split ends and mild hair fall which have thankfully decreased and my hair has become dry, dull and thin. I am in Australia most of the time thus can’t do many herbal & desi treatments. But I recently came back to Pakistan for a family wedding and have had time to look after my hair a bit.
I got a hair crimper and straightener about a year ago, and after using it a few times my hair became quite dry and hair fall increased drastically. I have never used another heat styling tool to date no matter how much I love straight and crimped hair (sigh!) But it has gotten a bit better now.
I got this hair oil recently (An herbal oil from India!) which I researched before using, and according to a 30 minute documentary and multiple reviews, it uses this ancient Indian method called “Kshir pak vidhi” ( maybe you’ve heard about it) and has 20 or so herbs and nutrients. It also helps with hair growth, dandruff, infections, softness and thickness of hair.
I have used it a few times and it gave me smoother hair and I noticed a slight difference in my braid; that is it went thicker (it use to be quite thin texture wise and visibly)
But my hair hasn’t grown any longer in the past 4-5 months.
– I have eaten eggs all my life and love them to this date thank fully.
– I oil my hair every week now.
– I let my hair air dry all the time and
– Haven’t trimmed it more than half an inch because of split ends.
– I get 7-8 hours of sleep everyday.
– My eating routine is okay as well.
As far as the hair brushing is concerned I avoid brushing my hair while it’s wet. I have tried different types of combs but I don’t know why but my hair just can’t get detangled without a hair brush and not just the plastic one but the one that has the silver pins. Is this bad for my hair and do you have any other way of detangling hair?
I want to grow my hair as long and healthy as yours and any help would be greatly appreciated. I read on your blog that you sometimes provide people with guide to long hair or something as well? (can I get one?)
I can’t wait for you to email back. I feel like discovering your website was a miracle for me as I actually went on to read a review on the fair and lovely face wash and came across your hair journey.
Sorry for the really long email but I need as much help as I can get.
Thank you so so so much for even reading this email.
Once again thank you in advanced.
Kind regards,
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