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Hair Care

Are You Shedding or Losing Hair? – How Many Strands of Hair Loss Per Day is Normal ? : My Views

hair loss vs hair shed

I had a small chat with someone recently. She was worried about how her hair fall issues never got an end. After discussing a little about her problem, I quickly realized something and convinced her that she’s NOT suffering from hair loss. I’m doing this post as to explain ‘why I said that to her!’ since I’ve been emailed several times a day with the same question – why does my hair-fall never stop?! If you’re stuck with the same question on your mind, please read below.

hair loss vs hair shedRead More »Are You Shedding or Losing Hair? – How Many Strands of Hair Loss Per Day is Normal ? : My Views

MABH Hair Growth Challenge Announcement | Sharada

sharada's hair

Dear Lancy,

First of all let me tell you one thing. I have browsed and struggled a lot all these while for my hair growth in the internet. But I don’t know why, I got a sigh of relief when I saw MABH. Thanks to you for that.

I have immediately decided to take part in your hair growth challenge. And I would like to get the oil and follow the instructions as suggested by you. Also please let me know the extra home care remedies that I need to follow along with this on your experience.

sharada's hairRead More »MABH Hair Growth Challenge Announcement | Sharada

MABH Blogger Hair Growth Challenge Vol.2 : Hair Growth Progress + Photos

mabh hair growth updates of bloggers

Hello everybody!

It has been a long time since I made a post on this series! Hope you’d already checked my 6 month update on my hair growth challenge. I was thinking for a long time to share the progress + photos of the bloggers who’d taken the challenge; but somehow it got delayed. I apologize for making you all wait!

Here’s the most awaited post on the updates of our MABH hair growth challenge! Vol.1 has the details about every blogger who’s in the challenge. Today I’m sharing the links of updates they’ve made till date!

mabh hair growth updates of bloggers

Read More »MABH Blogger Hair Growth Challenge Vol.2 : Hair Growth Progress + Photos

My Summer Products from Himalaya Herbals : Photos, Prices and First Impressions

Hey people!

Today I’m sharing my summer skin and hair care picks from Himalaya Herbals! If you are a regular reader, you might be knowing my love for this brand, for all their natural ingredients! Their skin care products were few of the first very first I ever tried during my school days! (Read : 10 Himalaya Herbals Product Reviews!)

This time, I’ve picked five products from the brand and I’ll be doing few more posts on these! (reviews, a step-by-step summer facial tutorial, hair care etc). For now, I’m sharing my quick views on the products along with few essential ‘summer tips’ that you might find useful!

Availability :

himalaya herbals summer essential productsRead More »My Summer Products from Himalaya Herbals : Photos, Prices and First Impressions

My Six Months Hair Growth Challenge Update, Routine & Before and After Photos

six months hair growth update

Hey everybody!

I’m very excited today to share my 6th month hair growth update after starting the MABH blogger hair growth challenge! I know I’ve been very irregular with the updates. My last hair update was on November last year and since then, I sadly couldn’t make another post on my hair growth.

My hearty thanks to the other bloggers who shared their interesting journeys and kept the challenge alive! Read more about them HERE. I’m doing another post on their growth updates (with links to their blogs) very soon.

Note : The ends are thinner because I didn’t shape them straight for the last 2 and half years. My previous hair cuts (step, layer etc) are making my growth in such shape; but I don’t mind it as I’m concentrating on the length! As long as they are healthy and split-end free, I won’t be shaping them anytime soon!

My Current Hair Length! 

my 6 months hair growth challenge update

(Almost thigh length or thigh length?!)

six months hair growth updateRead More »My Six Months Hair Growth Challenge Update, Routine & Before and After Photos