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Priyanka Marwadi

Cream Blush with Vaseline – Do It Yourself

cream blush with vaseline

Lately I’m in my ‘Lets try a DIY’ mode. I’ve tried many DIYs including the crayon lip balm shown on MABH. And today my article is also about a super easy DIY! :)

I love applying a blush as blushing to me not just means adding a pop of color to cheeks but if done properly it can work as good as contouring and help you highlight your face in a great way. I am sure that almost all you makeup lovers here are aware that cream blushes are really expensive and if you are on a a budget you wouldn’t be apply to experience the magic cream blushing. But don’t be sad because today in my article I’ll be showing you’ll how to prepare a cream blush at home without having to spend much.

cream blush with vaselineRead More »Cream Blush with Vaseline – Do It Yourself

Wella Hair Straightening Kit Review and My Experience

Hello lovelies!

Hope you all are doing amazing. This is my first review on MABH & I am so excited!! :D Today I’m going to review a hair straightening kit – It is ‘Wella Straighten it Intense N/R for very curly hair’.

My hair is very difficult to style, is frizzy, dry, wavy & often becomes curly if I leave it open. But but wait a second.. that is an old story. Now my hair is long & beautiful, smooth, soft, shiny & straight and all the credit goes to this magical kit.

I was craving to get my hair straightened permanently but my mom was totally unhappy with the idea of spending 12000 bucks for a treatment that would last only for 6 months and would end up ruining my hair texture . So I bought this kit and did the straightening by myself. I will tell you about my straightening process but before that lets come back to our product.

wella hair straightening kit reviewRead More »Wella Hair Straightening Kit Review and My Experience